Last updated: August 21, 2024

Intrinsyc Software - Historical Presentations, Business Plans & Filings
The Evolution of thought, vision and execution against a "Windows everywhere motto"

Right from the outset we were driving Intrinsyc towards high volume 'run time' software licensing revenues as the only truly meaningful long term goal for our company. This is how we planned to give our investors a strong return-on-investment for their money - by building a business that would scale quickly based on software licensing targeting consumer and commercial products.

We started out in business in mid 1996 with a mission to capitalize on the pending release of Microsoft's Windows CE 1.0 operating system (targeting PDAs) and their expected late 1997 release of Windows CE 2.0 (targeting general embedded products). We were going to leverage the introduction of these new OSes with complementary software components supported by leading edge development tools as their delivery mechanism.

By re-reading our earliest business plans one can see that Intrinsyc has ultimately remained true to our original vision for the company, and that, tech meltdown in the 2001-2004 period not withstanding (which lead to a necessary retrenchments into services dominated revenue engagements with our customers), the Soleus product today is the true embodiment of our original prime focus and goals.

As a company, Intrinsyc in 1997 was a business that provided our Integration Expert development tool extensions to Microsoft's Visual Studio product which in turn allowed our licensable embedded software components to be designed into high volume consumer and commercial products (including a vision for ultimately targeting cellphones). That vision was being implemented with the licensing of our Windows CE based software components such as our Rainbow Web Server.

By 2008 Intrinsyc's vision had evolved to provide OEMs with a comprehensive 'Soleus' tool chain which plugged into Microsoft's Visual Studio Software Development Suite, and complementary licensable Windows CE based 'Soleus' telephony software components.

Here is the documented path we took to evolve our business from its general embedded software beginnings in 1996 to the mature mobile software focused operating company we eventually built by 2008:



Investor/Corporate Presentation - October 2008



Investor Presentation - June 2007

Prospectus - May 2007

Information Circular - November 2007

MAPOS Presentation by Randy Rath - November 2007

AGM Presentation - December 2007



Soleus 3GSM Launch Presentation - Feb 13, 2006

Investor Presentation - 2006

Prospectus - March 2006

Annual Information Filing - 2006

Financial Statements - August 31, 2006



Investor Presentation - 2005

Annual Information Filing - 2005

Financial Statements - August 31, 2005



Investor Presentation - 2004

Annual Information Filing - 2004

Rights Offering - September 23, 2004

Financial Statements - August 31, 2004



Investor Presentation - 2003

Annual Information Filing - 2003

Financial Statements - August 31, 2003



Investor Presentation - 2002

Annual Information Filing - 2002

Financial Statements - August 31, 2002



Investor Presentation - 2001

Financial Statements - August 31, 2000/2001



Investor Presentation - 2000

Prospectus - July 2000

Prospectus - December 2000



CIBC Offering Memorandum - 1999

Investor Presentation - 1999

Annual Information Filing - 1999

Financial Statements - August 31, 1998/1999



Business Plan - 1998

Investor Presentation - 1998



A Layman's Guide to Intrinsyc Software and Its Business Plan - June 1997

Investor Presentation - 1997

Financial Statements - August 31, 1997




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